16 255 ########################Wraith Chassis Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nWraith Chassis Top Speed: \n 50 kph \nArmor: \n 35 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nBasic Wraith chassis, composed entirely of Flexon Composite, a plastic compound with a tensile strength similar to reinforced steel. Tech Level 2 \nWraith Chassis Top Speed: \n 60 kph \nArmor: \n 45 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nScientists have added Ferrolar reinforcement to the major structural supports in the Flexon Composite. This should allow the Wraith to carry 45 mil of Ferrolar plate armor. Miniaturization of key engine components boosts the Wraith's speed by 20%. Tech Level 3 \nWraith Chassis Top Speed: \n 70 kph \nArmor: \n 60 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nAdditional Ferrolar supports and bracing to key structural points in the chassis enables the Wraith to support more weight, allowing 60 mil of Ferrolar plate armor, and streamlining the hull boosts the maximum speed to 70 kph. Tech Level 4 \nWraith Chassis Top Speed: \n 90 kph \nArmor: \n 75 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nWraith developers have replaced 90% of the Flexon Composite chassis with Ferrolar. The new lightened chassis allows the Wraith to carry 75 mil of Ferrolar plate. Developments in power transfer technology give the Wraith increased acceleration and top speed, making the hovertank glide along at an astonishing 90 kph. ########################Soldier Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nConscripts Primary Weapon: \n KillMaster Laser Rifle I \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nDemolitions: \n Nitroplas satchel charge \nArmor: \n 2 mil Ferrolar plate \n\nCommand Points: 100 \n\nPrior to being assigned to one of the regular infantry divisions, conscripts are placed into battalions for training. While they are not supposed to actually engage the enemy, in times of crisis every general has the option of calling them to the front line. Tech Level 2 \nLight Infantry Primary Weapon: \n KillMaster Laser Rifle II \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nDemolitions: \n Nitroplas satchel charge \nArmor: \n 3 mil Ferrolar plate \n\nCommand Points: 100 \n\nMore experienced than the conscripts, light infantry are given the KillMaster II. This weapon, manufactured by Mustang Arms Corp, hits harder and has a shorter cycle time than the KillMaster I. When boosted, each trooper is given a Tomahawk Missile for use against hostile vehicles, and their armor is increased 50%. Tech Level 3 \nMedium Infantry Primary Weapon: \n KillMaster Laser Rifle III \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nDemolitions: \n Nitroplas satchel charge \nArmor: \n 4 mil Ferrolar plate \n\nCommand Points: 100 \n\nEntrance into the medium infantry is subject to high physical and mental requirements. Applicants must pass a battery of tests which are guaranteed to weed out the weak and unfit. As a result, medium infantry tend to be in better shape physically, and have quicker reflexes than their brethren in the light infantry. Meanwhile, the KillMaster Mk. III gives them greater hitting power. Tech Level 4 \nHeavy Infantry Primary Weapon: \n KillMaster Laser Rifle IV \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nDemolitions: \n Nitroplas satchel charge \nArmor: \n 5 mil Ferrolar plate \n\nCommand Points: 100 \n\nOnly the best of the best are admitted into the heavy infantry. Stronger, quicker and braver then the rest of the infantry divisions, heavy infantry troopers are equipped with the KillMaster IV, the first mass-produced laser rifle to include the new Xylenium technology. ########################Light Tank Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nStinger Primary Weapon: \n 80 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nArmor: \n 10 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 60 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Stinger is the basic light tank design with no frills. The 80 Kc laser cannon is good for taking out infantry, but little else. Tech Level 2 \nRattler Primary Weapon: \n 90 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nArmor: \n 15 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 75 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nExtensive engine upgrades and additional armor plate make the Rattler a much better vehicle than the Stinger. The addition of a one-shot Tomahawk Missile launcher when boosted gives the tank a punch against armored vehicles as well, although it should still never go toe-to-toe with a heavy tank. Tech Level 3 \nCobra Primary Weapon: \n 100 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nArmor: \n 20 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 90 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Cobra has an improved laser cannon giving it greater impact against heavily armored vehicles. While the 20 mil Ferrolar plate offers more protection, the increase in speed has done more to contribute to this tanks longevity than anything else. Tech Level 4 \nAsp Primary Weapon: \n 110 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Tomahawk Missile \nArmor: \n 25 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 110 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nLight tank engine design reaches its apex with the Asp. The additional weight of the extra Ferrolar plate is compensated for with a more powerful engine, resulting in a net increase to speed. An increase in laser size, in conjunction with the greater thickness of armor, has resulted in a light tank with limited ability to slug it out with larger AFV's. ########################Heavy Tank Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nGoliath Primary Weapon: \n 110 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single-Use Marauder \nArmor: \n 25 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 20 kph \n\nCommand Points: 300 \n\nThe Goliath Class Heavy Tank is more than a match for other vehicles of its Tech Level. The 110 Kc laser cannon can punch a hole in enemy vehicles, and the 25 mil Ferrolar plating ensures that the Goliath will be on the battlefield for quite some time. Tech Level 2 \nJuggernaught Primary Weapon: \n 120 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single-Use Marauder \nArmor: \n 30 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 25 kph \n\nCommand Points: 300 \n\nThe Juggernaught is superior to the Goliath Class Heavy Tank in every way. A larger engine increases speed in spite of an additional 5 mil of Ferrolar, and a larger laser cannon has been added. Simulations have shown that several Juggernaught Class HTs are a match for a lone Wraith. Tech Level 3 \nDreadnought Primary Weapon: \n 120 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single-Use Marauder \nArmor: \n 35 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 27 kph \n\nCommand Points: 300 \n\nSlightly faster and with greater armor than the Juggernaught, the Dreadnought is aptly named after the battleships of 20th Century Earth. Tech Level 4 \nBehemoth Primary Weapon: \n 120 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single-Use Marauder \nArmor: \n 40 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 30 kph \n\nCommand Points: 300 \n\nIn spite of its name, the Behemoth Class HT is actually more maneuverable than its predecessor, the Dreadnought. Enhanced speed combined with thicker armor makes the Behemoth second only to the Wraith on the battlefield. ########################AAV Tech and Description Tech Level 1 \nDart Primary Weapon: \n Jaeger Missile System \nSecondary Weapon: \n None \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single Gopher Torpedo \nArmor: \n 10 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 150 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nLike all Tech Level 1 designs, the Dart fulfills the basic needs of the New Alliance for its class. The AAV is quick, highly maneuverable, and its missiles pack a lethal punch. Tech Level 2 \nJavelin Primary Weapon: \n Jaeger Missile System \nSecondary Weapon: \n None \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single Gopher Torpedo \nArmor: \n 15 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 175 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Javelin improves on the Dart Class AAV with increased speed and thicker armor. An underbelly Gopher Torpedo launcher augments its firepower versus ground level targets when boosted. Tech Level 3 \nLance Primary Weapon: \n Jaeger Missile System \nSecondary Weapon: \n 50 Kc Light Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single Gopher Torpedo \nArmor: \n 18 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 175 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe addition of a light laser cannon makes the Lance an airborne threat to any enemy aircraft. The laser cannon may also be used versus ground targets, increasing the Lance's effectiveness against infantry and vehicles as well. Tech Level 4 \nTrident Primary Weapon: \n Jaeger Missile System \nSecondary Weapon: \n 75 Kc Light Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n Single Gopher Torpedo \nArmor: \n 20 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 200 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nWhen Alliance High Command asked for the ultimate in AAV technology, they received the Trident. With superior armament, armor and speed, the Trident is the pinnacle of AAV design. It has proven itself superior both in simulations and under actual battlefield conditions. ########################Bomber Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nSmasher Primary Weapon: \n 2-ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 6 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Bomber Laser System \nSecondary Weapon: \n One Chaff Caster \nArmor: \n 15 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 100 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Smasher is a minimalist payload delivery system. Although the Chaff Caster provides some protection from missile attacks, Wraith commanders are advised to provide AAV and ground support for bomber missions into hostile air space. Tech Level 2 \nDestructor Primary Weapon: \n 3-ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 9 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Bomber Laser System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Two Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 18 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 125 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Destructor is a definite improvement over the Smasher, and has proven itself by higher mission survival statistics alone. With thicker armor the Destructor has been much more successful than its predecessor. Larger bombs and an increased payload have also contributed to its popularity at Alliance command. Tech Level 3 \nEclipse Primary Weapon: \n 3.5-ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 14 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Bomber Laser System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Three Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 20 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 133 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nThe Eclipse features additional speed and Ferrolar plate, increasing its mission success rate over the Destructor by 27%. Tech Level 4 \nHell Raiser Primary Weapon: \n 4-ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 20 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Bomber Laser System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Five Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 23 mil Ferrolar plate \nSpeed: \n 140 kph \n\nCommand Points: 200 \n\nNew Alliance R&D was on the ball when they developed the Hell Raiser Class bomber. It has superior armor and speed, and the highest bomb payload available. Although the boosted Anti-AAV laser provides a degree of defense from hostile AAV's, it is still advisable to provide air support for bomber missions. ########################Citadel Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nWatch Dog Weapon System: \n Synchronized Pulse \n Cannon, Mk. I \nPower Output: \n 160 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.33 seconds \n\nThis is the basic Citadel system available to New Alliance forces. The Synchronized Pulse Cannon is a laser system developed by Guardian Technologies for military use. Tech Level 2 \nSentry Weapon System: \n Synchronized Pulse \n Cannon, Mk. II \nPower Output: \n 200 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.33 seconds \n\nR&D in conjunction with Guardian Technologies has developed a power level upgrade for the Citadel weapon system. Destructive output has been increased by 25% over the Watch Dog model. Tech Level 3 \nPeace Keeper Weapon System: \n Twin Magna Cannon \nPower Output: \n 240 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.25 seconds \n\nMustang Arms Corp has developed a heavy Xylenium laser for Citadel use. An advanced cooling system allows a higher rate of fire. Tech Level 4 \nWar Lord Weapon System: \n Twin Magna Cannon XP \nPower Output: \n 260 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.25 seconds \n\nAlways on the cutting edge of laser technology, Mustang Arms has implemented the use of a 260 Kc laser cannon for the Citadel turret. This new weapon system provides maximum firepower with a short cycling time. ########################gatling Turret Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nArcher Weapon System: \n Twin-linked Laser Cannon Energy Output: \n 60 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 4 bps \nArmor: \n 40 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Gatling Turret houses an older laser cannon dating back to the Rebellion. Tech Level 2 \nCrossbow Weapon System: \n Cobra Laser-Lance \nEnergy Output: \n 60 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 60 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nThe Laser-Lance, manufactured by Cobra Technologies, is a longer ranged laser system than the older Tech Level 1 model. It also has a higher rate of fire, due to additional durocapacitors and an advanced cooling system. Tech Level 3 \nJavelin Weapon System: \n Cobra Magnum Laser \n Lance \nEnergy Output: \n 90 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 30 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nCobra Technologies has developed a more powerful version of their Laser-Lance. This weapon system is housed in a Ferrolar-encased turret for additional longevity. Tech Level 4 \nLongbow Weapon System: \n Cobra UltraMagnum \n Laser-Lance \nEnergy Output: \n 100 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 40 mil Ferrolar Plate \n\nCobra Technologies employed the new xylenium amplification technology in the UltraMagnum. Several bursts from the 100 Kc laser are all it takes to bust open the most heavily armored vehicle. The 40 mil Ferrolar housing ensures that the Longbow will be around to protect your Citadels for a long time. ########################SAM SITE Tech and description Tech Level 1 \nCatapult Payload: \n 1.8 kg HE (per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 3 missile bursts \nTracking System: \n Vulture Avionics SAM-7 \n\nThe Tech Level 1 SAM turret is available to New Alliance forces at this time. It uses contemporary surface-to-air technology to intercept incoming aerial attacks. Tech Level 2 \nTrebuchet Payload: \n 2.4 kg HE (per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 4 missile bursts \nTracking System: \n Vulture Avionics SAM-7 \n\nCalisto-Ingram has developed SAM missiles with a greater payload capacity by developing a more efficient solid fuel, thus allowing more room in the projectile for explosives. Redesign of the loading mechanism in the turret itself results in a higher rate of fire. Tech Level 3 \nBallista Payload: \n 2.4 kg HE (per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 5 missile bursts \nTracking System: \n Vulture Avionics SAM-7 \n\nRedesign of the missile fuselage allows for quicker feeding into the firing chamber. As a result, cycling times are minimized and rate of fire is maximized. Tech Level 4 \nBombard Payload: \n 3.0 kg HE (per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 6 missile bursts \nTracking System: \n Vulture Avionics SAM-9 \n\nMore efficient fuel stores allows each missile to carry a larger payload. Upgrading the tracking system to the Vulture SAM-9 gives the Bombard a 95% accuracy rate. ########################BMS Tech and description Tech Level 1 \nSky Hammer Payload: \n 0.1 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 1000 units \n\nThe Tech Level 1 BMS delivers a payload of twelve missiles with Blastpak Nuclear Warheads. Tech Level 2 \nThunderbolt Payload: \n 0.2 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 1000 units \n\nCobra Technologies has utilized larger warheads to give the Thunderbolt BMS a greater destructive potential than its predecessor, the Sky Hammer. Tech Level 3 \nDeliverer Payload: \n 0.3 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 1000 units \n\nBy encasing the Blastpak Warheads in a spent uranium core, each BMS projectile receives greater armor piercing capabilities. Although the warheads are smaller, the armor piercing qualities of the spent uranium shell will cause greater damage across a larger area than the Tech Level 2 BMS attack. Tech Level 4 \nJustifier Payload \n 0.5 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 1000 units \n\nNew Alliance R&D has stretched the limits of the BMS payload delivery system with the Justifier. Miniaturization of the propulsion and guidance systems allows a larger warhead to be carried in each missile. ########################Energy Building Tech and description. Tech Level 1 \nMiner Power Extraction Rate: \n 210 tHz \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Power Building uses basic power-siphoning technology to extract energy from a hot spot. Tech Level 2 \nDredger Power Extraction Rate: \n 270 tHz \n\nM.O.K. Energy Solutions has developed a new energy filter for Power Buildings. This new technology allows energy to be filtered more efficiently, resulting in a quicker rate of extraction. Tech Level 3 \nDriller Power Extraction Rate: \n 330 tHz \n\nM.O.K. has developed superconductors designed to allow Hot Spot energy to be transferred more quickly from its location in the planetary strata to New Alliance Power Buildings. Tech Level 4 \nExtractor Power Extraction Rate: \n 390 tHz \n\nAdvancements to the Power Transfer Coil and Extraction System have resulted in the Tech Level IV Power Building being able to extract power from hot spots more efficiently, harvesting more in a shorter period of time. ########################CONVOY TRUCK Tech and description Convoy Truck - Who am I? Duh, some stuff. Convoy Truck - Who am I? Duh, some stuff. Convoy Truck - Who am I? Duh, some stuff. Convoy Truck - Who am I? Duh, some stuff. Friendly Wraith Duh, some stuff. ########################Wraith Lasers Tech Level 1 \nLaser Cannon Ammunition Capacity: \n unlimited \nOutput: \n 100 Kc Energy Burst \nCycle Time: \n 0.20 seconds \nRecharge Rate: \n 98% \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Laser Cannon is standard issue on all Wraith hovertanks. Tech Level 2 \nLaser Cannon Ammunition Capacity: \n unlimited \nOutput: \n 100 Kc Energy Burst \nCycle Time: \n 0.10 seconds \nRecharge Rate: \n 90% \n\nMustang Arms Corp is working on the addition of advanced durocapacitors, which is expected to decrease the laser's cycle time by 50%, resulting in a much higher rate of fire. Tech Level 3 \nLaser Cannon Ammunition Capacity: \n unlimited \nOutput: \n 120 Kc Energy Burst \nCycle Time: \n 0.10 seconds \nRecharge Rate: \n 85% \n\nMustang Arms Corp intends to add a Xylenium gas amplifier to the Wraith laser cannon in the near future. Never before used on a weapon system with this short of a cycle time, it is hoped it can increase the damage potential of the Wraith's primary offensive weapon. ########################Wraith Jaegar Missile Tech Level 1 \nJaeger Missile Ammunition Capacity: \n 150 missiles \nRate of Fire: \n 1 missile per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 0.20 seconds \nPayload: \n 2.2 kilo HE charge \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Jaeger Missile System is standard issue on all Wraith hovertanks. Tech Level 2 \nJaeger Missile Ammunition Capacity: \n 180 missiles \nRate of Fire: \n 2 missiles per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 0.20 seconds \nPayload: \n 2.2 kilo HE charge \n\nCalisto-Ingram, the civilian defense contractor hired by the New Alliance to research upgrades to the Jaeger System, is working on reconfiguration of the firing chamber to allow two missiles to be fired simultaneously. Tech Level 3 \nJaeger Missile Ammunition Capacity: \n 210 missiles \nRate of Fire: \n 3 missiles per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 0.20 seconds \nPayload: \n 2.2 kilo HE charge \n\nFinal redesign of the Jaeger system will utilize further miniaturization of the firing chamber and loading mechanism. Combined with the enhancement of the tracking system, Calisto-Ingram anticipates an ultimate firing capacity of three missiles per discharge. ########################Wraith Spline Plasma Grapple Does anyone see this? Improved Spline Weapon Increased drain capacity and effectiveness improve the weapon's overall ability. Ultra Spline Weapon Even greater drain capacity and a faster drain make the spline weapon a staple. ########################Wraith Flachette Flachette 1 Does anyone see this? Flachette 2 Does anyone see this? Flachette 3 Does anyone see this? ########################Wraith Flame Wraith Flame Thrower 1 Does anyone see this? Wraith Flame Thrower 2 More ammunition and an increase in intensity make the flame gun still more formidable. Wraith Flame Thrower 3 Increased ammunition improves the flame gun's effectiveness. ########################Wraith Recon Probe Tech Level 1 \nRecon Probe No. Carried: \n 5 Probes \nThrusters: \n 2 solid fuel thrusters \nFuel Capacity: \n 2 kg \nRange: \n 0.75 km \nSpeed: \n 100 kph \nSensor Package: \n SecureTech Model XLRP-1.0 with full spectrum array \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Recon Probe is standard issue on all Wraith hovertanks. Tech Level 2 \nRecon Probe No. Carried: \n 5 Probes \nThrusters: \n 3 solid fuel thrusters \nFuel Capacity: \n 3 kg \nRange: \n 0.75 km \nSpeed: \n 133 kph \nSensor Package: \n SecureTech Model XLRP-1.1 \n with full spectrum array \n\nIncreasing speed through the use of a new thruster under development at Vulture Avionics could conceivably enhance the survivability of Probes. The SecureTech sensor package is also being upgraded, allowing the Probe to scan a larger area. Tech Level 3 \nRecon Probe No. Carried: \n 5 Probes \nThrusters: \n 3 solid fuel thrusters \nFuel Capacity: \n 9 kg \nRange: \n 2.25 km \nSpeed: \n 133 kph \nSensor Package: \n SecureTech Model XLRP-1.1 \n with full spectrum array \n\nNew Alliance scientists plan on increasing the range of the Probe by increasing its fuel carrying capacity. ########################Wraith Cupid Cupid Missile Rack Nicknamed the 'Katyushka' -- provides large amounts of unguided firepower. Cupid Missile Rack II Increased ammunition improves the Cupid's staying power in long firefights. Cupid Missile Rack III Better damage greatly enhances the Cupid's effectiveness. ########################Wraith Shrike Tech Level 1 \nShrike Ammunition Capacity: \n 200 missiles \nCycle Rate: \n 0.40 seconds \nPayload: \n 4.4 kg HEAP charge \nVelocity: \n 660 kph \n\nThis is the basic, solid-fuel driven Shrike Missile. It is hard hitting, and has nearly perfect target recognition and tracking abilities. Tech Level 2 \nShrike Ammunition Capacity: \n 200 missiles \nCycle Rate: \n 0.30 seconds \nPayload: \n 6.1 kg HEAP charge \nVelocity: \n 680 kph \n\nKey components of the Shrike Missile are being miniaturized to allow for greater ammunition capacity, while a planned conversion to liquid-fuel thrusters may increase speed. Tech Level 3 \nShrike Ammunition Capacity: \n 200 missiles \nCycle Rate: \n 0.20 seconds \nPayload: \n 8.3 kg HEAP charge \nVelocity: \n 700 kph \n\nCalisto-Ingram is turning to Cobra Technologies for help in developing the Tech Level 3 Shrike system. Key designers are working to combine Shrike technology with the multiple-payload delivery capabilities of the BMS. Miniaturized projectiles armed with spent uranium and Nitroplas warheads will utilize the BMS foe recognition and tracking system developed by Cobra, allowing the weapon to identify and seek multiple enemies per firing. Unfortunately, the Tech Level 3 Shrike is suffering from the same quirks in its propulsion system as the BMS. Civilian and Alliance scientists are working to overcome this obstacle, but have yet been able to develop a viable solution. ########################Balistic Missile Tech Level 1 Balistic Missile Duh, this is the balistic missile. ########################Marauder Missile Tech Level 1 \nMarauder Ammunition Capacity: \n 150 missiles \nPayload: \n 1 ton HE (equivalent) \nCycle Rate: \n 0.50 seconds \nSecondary Projectiles: \n 1 missile \n\nThe basic Marauder System delivers a large payload over a small area, making it ideal for destroying enemy emplacements and mobile units alike. The Marauder prototype has proven so successful that it has been put into mass production, and will be available to Wraith commanders in the immediate future. Tech Level 2 \nMarauder Ammunition Capacity: \n 150 missiles \nPayload: \n 1 ton HE (equivalent) \nCycle Rate: \n 0.50 seconds \nSecondary Projectiles: \n 2 missiles \n\nVulture Avionics is working on a more advanced target recognition system, allowing the Marauder to choose targets which are further away than the Tech Level 1 model is capable of. Advanced tracking systems will allow the system to coordinate three missiles per firing. The individual projectiles are being miniaturized for a greater payload capacity and the speed of the projectiles will be greatly enhanced. Tech Level 3 \nMarauder Ammunition Capacity: \n 150 missiles \nPayload: \n 1 ton HE (equivalent) \nCycle Rate: \n 0.50 seconds \nSecondary Projectiles: \n 3 missiles \n\nThe ultimate design of the Marauder is expected to include a rudimentary friend/foe AI in each projectile, making it able to target enemy units and buildings even if they are not in line of sight of the parent Wraith. This would enable Wraith commanders to engage enemies from a safe location. Additional projectiles armed with Blastpak warheads will deliver a heavy payload. ########################Tomahawk Missile Wraith Tomahawk Does the user ever see this? ########################Death Shroud Tech Level 1 \nDeath Shroud Shield Conversion Rate: \n 150 GHz \nShroud Generation Rate: \n 75 GHz \nConversion Factor: \n 2:1 \n\nM.O.K. Energy Solutions is the civilian contractor responsible for the development of the Death Shroud generator. It works by converting the Wraith's shields into energy, although it does not do so very efficiently. Tech Level 2 \nDeath Shroud Shield Conversion Rate: \n 125 GHz \nShroud Generation Rate: \n 100 GHz \nConversion Factor: \n 5:4 \n\nThe key theory behind the Death Shroud is a hyper-active ion sphere generated by the Shroud Generator and maintained by atmospheric conductance. Overheating of the Generator coils is a problem with the prototype. M.O.K. is looking at an advanced cooling system using temperatures approaching absolute-zero, resulting in a more efficient conversion process and less drain on the Wraith's shields. Tech Level 3 \nDeath Shroud Shield Conversion Rate: \n 100 GHz \nShroud Generation Rate: \n 125 GHz \nConversion Factor: \n 4:5 \n\nOnce the overheating problem is solved, M.O.K. engineers will streamline the original design of the Shroud generator. Scientists are looking at using different elements with more controllable conductivity in the construction of the conversion coils. This, combined with advanced energy filters will enable the Death Shroud to cover a larger area, yet require less energy from the Wraith's shields. ########################Disruptor Tech Level 1 \nDisruptor Ammunition Capacity: \n 100 charges \nMaximum Charge Time: \n 5 seconds \nMaximum Energy Output: \n 200 Ka/m \n\nThe initial design features low-level power cells incapable of storing much energy before discharge becomes necessary. Tech Level 2 \nDisruptor Ammunition Capacity: \n 150 charges \nMaximum Charge Time: \n 10 seconds \nMaximum Energy Output: \n 500 Ka/m \n\nInitial research into reconfiguration of the power cell grid ought to enable the weapon to be charged for longer periods before release. This, combined with additional power cells, indicates a greater destructive potential. Tech Level 3 \nDisruptor Ammunition Capacity: \n 200 charges \nMaximum Charge Time: \n 15 seconds \nMaximum Energy Output: \n 1000 Ka/m \n\nNew Alliance R&D is also looking into converting the power cells to durocapacitors. Although there are several obstacles to overcome, if successful, the weapon is expected to reach its maximum destructive potential. ########################Anvil Anvil Drop. Boom! You're dead. ########################Mortar Mortar The only indirect fire weapon, the mortar is useful against buildings. Mortar HE The high explosive shell mortar increases the damage, improves the weapon's overall effectiveness. Mortar HEAP The High - explosive shells are combined in with an armor piercing shell, allowing the shell to further penetrate a building's armor before exploding. #########################Mine Layer Tech Level 1 \nMine Layer Ammunition Capacity: \n 10 mines per layer \nUnits Equipped: \n 10 Mine Layers \nMine Deployment Rate: \n 2 every 0.50 seconds \nExplosive Charge: \n 200 kg HE charge per mine \n\nThe developer of the Mine Layer, Cobra Technologies, feels that the ten mine payload is sufficient to cover the area around a single Command Bunker. Tech Level 2 \nMine Layer Ammunition Capacity: \n 15 mines per layer \nUnits Equipped: \n 10 Mine Layers \nMine Deployment Rate: \n 2 every 0.50 seconds \nExplosive Charge: \n 200 kg HE charge per mine \n\nEngineers are anticipating a 50% increase in payload by reconfiguring the feeder and ammo bin. Tech Level 3 \nMine Layer Ammunition Capacity: \n 20 mines per layer \nUnits Equipped: \n 10 Mine Layers \nMine Deployment Rate: \n 2 every 0.50 seconds \nExplosive Charge: \n 200 kg HE charge per mine \n\nCobra Technologies is looking at using Nitroplas charges in the mines. If successful, the size of the mines can be reduced with no loss to their destructive potential, enabling the Wraith to carry twenty mines at a time. #########################Gopher Tech Level 1 \nGopher Torpedo Ammunition Capacity: \n 50 torpedos \nRate of Fire: \n 1 torpedo per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 60ct/sec \nVelocity: \n 50m/sec \nPayload: \n 5 kilo HE charge \n\nThe basic Gopher Torpedo system fires a single torpedo. Tech Level 2 \nGopher Torpedo Ammunition Capacity: \n 50 torpedos \nRate of Fire: \n 1 torpedo per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 60ct/sec \nVelocity: \n 100m/sec \nAmmunition Capacity: \n 50 torpedos \nPayload: \n 8 kilo HE charge \n\nThe New Alliance has hired Cobra Technologies to explore further advancements to the Gopher Torpedo. Because the most notable flaw of the basic Gopher is its slowness, Cobra is planning on adding a propulsion system with greater torque combined with diamond-carbide tunneling blades for enhanced burrowing speed. Tech Level 3 \nGopher Torpedo Ammunition Capacity: \n 50 torpedos \nRate of Fire: \n 3 torpedoes per discharge \nCycle Time: \n 60ct/sec \nVelocity: \n 100m/sec \nAmmunition Capacity: \n 150 torpedos \nPayload: \n 10 kilo HE charge \n\nCobra Technologies is working on a stabilizing agent to allow the conventional HE charge found in the Gopher's warhead to be replaced with a Nitroplas warhead (the same material used in infantry satchel charges). This, combined with the addition of two missiles per discharge, results in a greatly increased payload. ########################Disk Wraith Pilum Duh, some stuff. Antimatter Disk Lv 2 Duh, some stuff. Antimatter Disk Lv 3 Duh, some stuff. ########################Land Mine Land Mine I Equipped with IFF technology, you and your units are safe from land mine's you've placed. Land Mine II Greatly improved ammunition makes the mine layer much more convenient. Land Mine III Better ammunition and a cheaper mine allow the user to greatly increase his/her mine laying. ########################Nuke Tech Level 1 \nTactical Nuke Ammunition Capacity: \n 6 Nukes \nPayload: \n 0.50 GigaTon Warhead \nExpected Unit Casualties: \n 75% \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Nuke is currently undergoing testing at the New Alliance's R&D facility on SN-4069. They expect to have a battlefield-ready prototype available for use by Wraith commanders in the near future. Tech Level 2 \nTactical Nuke Ammunition Capacity: \n 8 Nukes \nPayload: \n 0.75 GigaTon Warhead \nExpected Unit Casualties: \n 100% \n\nThe Nuke warhead is being re-designed to create a double shockwave, effectively hitting everything in the area of effect twice. A larger payload increases the radius of the shockwaves. Tech Level 3 \nTactical Nuke Ammunition Capacity: \n 10 Nukes \nPayload: \n 1.00 GigaTon Warhead \nExpected Unit Casualties: \n 100% \n\nThe Alliance is working on partial miniaturization of the warhead. This should allow a larger payload to be carried aboard the Wraith. ########################Remote Repair Tech Level 1 \nRemote Health Module Mass: \n 2000 Kg \nRepair Capacity: \n Restores shields up to \n 100% of full capacity \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Remote Health System is standard issue on all Wraith hovertanks. It was developed by Parker-Bradley BioTech in response to the success of the prototype used during the Rebellion. Tech Level 2 \nRemote Health Module Mass: \n 3000 Kg \nRepair Capacity: \n Restores shields up to \n 100% of full capacity \n\nThe bio-mechanical mass used in the Remote Health System is susceptible to decay, the rate of which is proportional to the module's size. Parker-Bradley is currently working on a solution to this problem. Tech Level 3 \nRemote Health Module Mass: \n 4000 Kg \nRepair Capacity: \n Restores shields up to \n 100% capacity \n\nParker-Bradley BioTech's initial research indicates that the maximum potential mass of the Remote Health System is 4000 Kg. Once the decay problem is fully resolved, they plan on putting the Tech Level 3 System into full production. ########################Trich Soldiers Tech Level 1 \nBroodlings Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster I \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot AV-Missile \nDemolitions: \n 10 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Scout Battlesuit \n\nBroodlings are Trich young recently assigned to the warrior caste. Although relatively short ranged, the Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster fires three-shot bursts capable of inflicting severe damage to New Alliance Units. Their Battlesuit is designed more as a training aid to help the Broodlings become accustomed to the heavier designs found in more advanced Trich infantry, than as a means of heavy battlefield protection. Tech Level 2 \nBlooded Ones Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster II \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot AV-Missile \nDemolitions: \n 12 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Light Battlesuit \n\nAfter a Broodling has made its first kill in combat, it is advanced to the ranks of the Blooded Ones. These Trich troopers have more experience and superior equipment to the Broodling swarms, and are extensively trained in group tactics. Tech Level 3 \nThe Honored Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster III \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot AV-Missile \nDemolitions: \n 15 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Combat Battlesuit \n\nThese Trich are typically older and more experienced than Broodlings or Blooded Ones, although their ferocity and thirst for blood is no less. Their upgraded laser rifle and the heavy-duty Combat Battlesuit make them a formidable force on the battlefield. Tech Level 4 \nRevered Ones Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster IV \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot AV-Missile \nDemolitions: \n 20 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Heavy Battlesuit \n\nTrich continue to mature physically throughout their entire lives, growing stronger and more resilient as they age. A Blooded One that proves his loyalty and skill in an act of insane bravery is promoted to the Revered Ones. These Trich are the oldest and most experienced of the Kri'iSaran infantry, and are respected and revered throughout Trich society. They are given the best of everything, and their heavy laser blasters and Battlesuits make them a match for the best humanity can offer. ########################Trich Lt. Tank Tech Level 1 \nInitiator Primary Weapon: \n 60 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot Striker Missile \nArmor: \n 25 mil Borantium Shielding Speed: \n 75 kph \n\nThe Trich Initiator is their basic Light Tank design. Built with an emphasis on speed, it relies on maneuverability and lightning strikes on the battlefield. Tech Level 2 \nDasher Primary Weapon: \n 75 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot Striker Missile \nArmor: \n 35 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 95 kph \n\nThe Dasher class Light Tank is an advance on the previous Initiator design. With an improved laser cannon and increased Borantium Shielding, this vehicle has vastly improved battlefield survivability statistics. When boosted, the one-shot Striker Missile Launcher gives the Dasher a punch against enemy vehicles. Tech Level 3 \nReaper Primary Weapon: \n 85 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot Striker Missile \nArmor: \n 40 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 110 kph \n\nThe 85 Kc laser cannon and additional armor shielding combine to give the Reaper enhanced performance on the battlefield. The larger engine allows a greater maximum speed than available to comparable New Alliance vehicles. Tech Level 4 \nCrested Hunter Primary Weapon: \n 95 Kc Laser Cannon \nBoosted Weapon: \n One Shot Striker Missile \nArmor: \n 45 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 125 kph \n\nThe Crested Hunter uses superior speed in conjunction with a hard-hitting laser and heavy shielding to move around the battlefield, inflicting damage on the enemy with surgical precision. Individually vulnerable, in groups they present a very real threat to New Alliance forces. ######################## Trich Hv. Tank Tech Level 1 \nSerpents Claw Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 30 mil Borantium Shielding Speed: \n 15 kph \n\nThis is the first version of the Trich Heavy Tank to be encountered on the battlefield. Although slightly slower than New Alliance Heavy Tanks, its heavy shielding and powerful NeuroDisruptor Cannon are capable of dealing with everything the New Alliance can throw at it, short of a Wraith. Initial battlefield reports indicate that the NeuroDisruptor works by using a specialized electrical pulse to deal damage to targets. It may have secondary effects on human synaptic functions as well. These vehicles are to be dealt with extreme caution, and deployment of human Infantry or Light Tanks in proximity to a Trich Heavy Tank is not advised. Tech Level 2 \nSpur Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 40 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 20 kph \n\nTrich scientists have improved on the design of the basic Heavy Tank by increasing the energy output of the NeuroDisruptor Cannon. A larger engine improves speed in spite of a 33% increase in armor. The Anti-AAV Missile gives the tank a punch against aerial targets. Once again, Wraith Commanders are urged to engage these vehicles with extreme caution. Tech Level 3 \nTalon Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 50 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 25 kph \n\nThe Talon utilizes a miniaturized energy conversion array to project a more powerful beam from its NeuroDisruptor Cannon. This same array increases energy output to the tank's engine, resulting in higher speeds, even with an additional layer of Borantium shielding. Tech Level 4 \nMighty Hunter Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 65 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 30 kph \n\nThe title "Mighty Hunter" is appropriate for this nightmare vehicle. The Trich have combined maximum firepower and defensive technologies into one awesome package. The Mighty Hunter is more than a match for an inexperienced Wraith Commander. New Alliance forces are to use extreme caution in dealing with these superior alien vehicles. ######################## Swarm AI TANK Tech Level 1 \nSerpents Claw Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 30 mil Borantium Shielding Speed: \n 15 kph \n\nThis is the first version of the Trich Heavy Tank to be encountered on the battlefield. Although slightly slower than New Alliance Heavy Tanks, its heavy shielding and powerful NeuroDisruptor Cannon are capable of dealing with everything the New Alliance can throw at it, short of a Wraith. Initial battlefield reports indicate that the NeuroDisruptor works by using a specialized electrical pulse to deal damage to targets. It may have secondary effects on human synaptic functions as well. These vehicles are to be dealt with extreme caution, and deployment of human Infantry or Light Tanks in proximity to a Trich Heavy Tank is not advised. Tech Level 2 \nSpur Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 40 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 20 kph \n\nTrich scientists have improved on the design of the basic Heavy Tank by increasing the energy output of the NeuroDisruptor Cannon. A larger engine improves speed in spite of a 33% increase in armor. The Anti-AAV Missile gives the tank a punch against aerial targets. Once again, Wraith Commanders are urged to engage these vehicles with extreme caution. Tech Level 3 \nTalon Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 50 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 25 kph \n\nThe Talon utilizes a miniaturized energy conversion array to project a more powerful beam from its NeuroDisruptor Cannon. This same array increases energy output to the tank's engine, resulting in higher speeds, even with an additional layer of Borantium shielding. Tech Level 4 \nMighty Hunter Primary Weapon: \n NeuroDisruptor Cannon \nArmor: \n 65 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 30 kph \n\nThe title "Mighty Hunter" is appropriate for this nightmare vehicle. The Trich have combined maximum firepower and defensive technologies into one awesome package. The Mighty Hunter is more than a match for an inexperienced Wraith Commander. New Alliance forces are to use extreme caution in dealing with these superior alien vehicles. ######################## Trich AAV Tech Level 1 \nScaled Hawk Primary Weapon: \n Chain Laser \nBoosted Weapon: \n One-Shot Havoc Missile \nArmor: \n 10 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 100 kph \n\nUnlike New Alliance AAV's, the Scaled Hawk has greater VTOL capabilities, making it something of a cross between a conventional AAV and a helicopter. Slower but more maneuverable than the New Alliance AAV, the Scaled Hawk has the ability to dodge virtually in place while attacking an enemy position. When boosted, all levels of Trich AAV get a one shot Havoc Missile System, a heat-seeking weapon with high damage potential, ideal for taking out enemy vehicles and aircraft. Tech Level 2 \nAvenging Eagle Primary Weapon: \n Chain Laser \nBoosted Weapon: \n One-Shot Havoc Missile \nArmor: \n 15 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 120 kph \n\nThe Avenging Eagle is equipped with a more powerful Chain Laser, useful in attacking enemy units. Still slower than New Alliance AAV's, enhanced thrusters allow the Avenging Eagle to change altitude while hovering much more efficiently. Tech Level 3 \nDiving Falcon Primary Weapon: \n Chain Laser \nBoosted Weapon: \n One-Shot Havoc Missile \nArmor: \n 18 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 135 kph \n\nA increase in the power output of the Chain Laser gives the Bird of Prey the ability to inflict serious damage to New Alliance ground units and structures alike. Increased armor and more powerful engines make this design much more of a threat to Wraith Commanders. Tech Level 4 \nRoc Primary Weapon: \n Chain Laser \nBoosted Weapon: \n One-Shot Havoc Missile \nArmor: \n 20 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 145 kph \n\nThe ultimate in Trich AAV design, the Roc uses its ability to target ground targets with repetitive attacks to good effect. Enhanced speed allows the Roc to reach combat zones in short time. ######################## Trich Bomber Tech Level 1 \nConqueror Primary Weapon: \n 2-ton MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 34 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Laser Defense System \nSecondary Weapon: \n One Chaff Caster \nArmor: \n 25 mil Borantium Shielding Speed: \n 120 kph \n\nThe Conqueror is much quicker than the contemporary New Alliance design. Using several passes to deliver its payload, Citadel commanders should be on the watch for attacks by these aircraft. Tech Level 2 \nPunisher Primary Weapon: \n 2-ton MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 40 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Laser Defense System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Two Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 35 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 140 kph \n\nThe Punisher is capable of delivering several devastating bombing runs in a single mission. Unprotected Citadels are all but defenseless against their attacks. Tech Level 3 \nEvictor Primary Weapon: \n 2.5-ton MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 50 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Laser Defense System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Three Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 45 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 133 kph \n\nThe Evictor class Bomber uses superior speed to approach its target and drop payload after payload. 45 millimeters of Borantium Shielding and additional chaff casters give the Evictor a greater life expectancy in the skies above the battlefield. Tech Level 4 \nOverlord Primary Weapon: \n 4-ton MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 72 tons \nBoosted Weapon: \n Laser Defense System \nSecondary Weapon: \n Five Chaff Casters \nArmor: \n 53 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 150 kph \n\nWithout a doubt, the Overlord is the King of the Skies. New Alliance Bombers cannot compare to the speed and destructive capacity of the Overlord. Citadel commanders are advised to set up adequate anti-aerial defenses when an Overlord attack is expected. ######################## Trich Balistic Missile Tech Level 1 \nEliminator Payload: \n 0.1 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 24 Trich G-Units \n\nDeveloped virtually simultaneously with the Alliance BMS, the Eliminator is functionally identical to the Sky Hammer. Tech Level 2 \nEradicator Payload: \n 0.2 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 48 Trich G-Units \n\nThe Trich have converted the BMS warheads to MagnaBlast-type charges, creating a much greater destructive effect. Commanders may wish to actively deploy Patriot defenses to counter these deadly attacks. Tech Level 3 \nDevastator Payload: \n 0.3 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 56 Trich G-Units \n\nThe Devastator has an increased payload developed by Trich scientists. Not fully understood by New Alliance technologists, the increase in payload presents a very real threat to Alliance Command Bunkers throughout the theatre of operations. Tech Level 4 \nAnnihilator Payload: \n 0.5 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 64 Trich G-Units \n\nShowing a total lack of concern for their own safety, the Trich have developed an unstable explosive charge that delivers the explosive force of the Nuke in a controlled area. This rain of death is unstoppable by all but the most heavily defended sites. ######################## Trich Convoy Convoy Truck 1 Duh Convoy Truck 2 Duh Convoy Truck 3 Duh Convoy Truck 4 Duh Convoy Truck 5 Duh ######################## Trich Citadel Tech Level 1 \nKeeper Weapon System: \n ChainLaser I \nPower Output: \n 160 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.33 seconds \n\nAlthough outwardly different, the Trich Citadel is functionally similar to the New Alliance model. Tech Level 2 \nProtector Weapon System: \n ChainLaser II \nPower Output: \n 200 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.33 seconds \n\nThe Protector utilizes a superior power-grid to enhance the output of its ChainLaser. Tech Level 3 \nDefender Weapon System: \n ChainLaser III \nPower Output: \n 240 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.25 seconds \n\nFocusing the laser energy through a specially designed crystal increases the power output on the Citadel weapon system. Rapidly cycling power cells allow for a greater rate of fire. Tech Level 4 \nOverseer Weapon System: \n ChainLaser IV \nPower Output: \n 260 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 0.25 seconds \n\nThe Overseer Citadel is a heavily defended fortification as advanced as anything produced by the New Alliance. Wraith Commanders can expect a high casualty rate in assaults against these Trich Citadels. ########################Trich KSAT Tech Level 1 \nEliminator Payload: \n 0.1 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 24 Trich G-Units \n\nDeveloped virtually simultaneously with the Alliance BMS, the Eliminator is functionally identical to the Sky Hammer. Tech Level 2 \nEradicator Payload: \n 0.2 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 48 Trich G-Units \n\nThe Trich have converted the BMS warheads to MagnaBlast-type charges, creating a much greater destructive effect. Commanders may wish to actively deploy Patriot defenses to counter these deadly attacks. Tech Level 3 \nDevastator Payload: \n 0.3 GigaTon Equivalent \nEnergy Used: \n 56 Trich G-Units \n\nThe Devastator has an increased payload developed by Trich scientists. Not fully understood by New Alliance technologists, the increase in payload presents a very real threat to Alliance Command Bunkers throughout the theatre of operations. ########################Trich Energy Building Tech Level 1 \nClaw Power Extraction Rate: \n 12 GU/cyc \n\nThe Trich use alien technology not fully understood by New Alliance scientists to extract power from the planetary surface. Tech Level 2 \nRake Power Extraction Rate: \n 16 GU/cyc \n\nThe Trich have discovered a method for increasing the energy flow to their Power Buildings. It appears that they are using a chemical conductor to increase productivity. Tech Level 3 \nGrasp Power Extraction Rate: \n 20 GU/cyc \n\nReports indicate that the Trich are now using long, conducting fibers to help attract the power located in a hot spot. The conductors help draw the energy in so that it may be siphoned for use by the Trich war machine. Tech Level 4 \nTrapper Power Extraction Rate: \n 24 GU/cyc \n\nRecent studies of Trich Power Buildings reveal that they are using a power amplifier to actually increase the level of energy they are able to extract from local hot spots. This amplifier is capable of diffusing energy "static" to provide more pure power. ########################Trich gatling Turret Tech Level 1 \nDisruptor Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 60 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 4 bps \nArmor: \n 50 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe basic Trich Laser Pulse Cannon delivers enough damage to make it a threat to most contemporary New Alliance Units. Wraith Commanders are advised to eliminate the threat from these defenses prior to 'porting in ground units. Tech Level 2 \nCastigator Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 60 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 55 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Trich have upgraded the cycling rate of their basic Laser Pulse Cannon. This, combined with heavier shielding, makes the Castigator a real threat to New Alliance assaults. Tech Level 3 \nFlayer Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 90 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 65 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Trich have replaced the single Laser Pulse Cannon with two smaller Pulse Cannons. Although each weapons output is individually less, together they can tear through most armor with frightening ease. Tech Level 4 \nNemesis Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 100 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 6 bps \nArmor: \n 75 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Trich are utilizing stolen xylenium technology to enhance the power output of their lasers. They must still be researching this new system, as we have only encountered it in their gatling Turrets. Wraith Commanders are urged to exercise caution while in the vicinity of Trich turrets, as they are now capable of inflicting critical damage to even heavily armored vehicles in just a few bursts. ########################Trich SAMS Tech Level 1 \nHalberd Payload: \n 1.8 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 6 mps \n\nThe Trich Halberd launches salvo after salvo of homing missile at airborne targets. Wraith Commanders are advised to eliminate any Trich SAM turrets prior to deploying AAV's or Bombers. Tech Level 2 \nGlaive Payload: \n 2.4 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 8 mps \n\nMiniaturization of the tracking system allows the Glaive to launch missiles with a greater payload capacity than its predecessor, the Halberd. Tech Level 3 \nPike Payload: \n 2.4 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 10 mps \n\nThe Pike is equipped with multiple firing chambers, allowing a much higher rate of fire. New Alliance Bombers are especially at risk from these Trich SAM turrets. Tech Level 4 \nScythe Payload: \n 3.0 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 10 mps \n\nThe Scythe is named after is ability to sweep the sky clean of enemy aircraft, just as its namesake reaped stalks of grain from the fields. A larger payload combined with a high rate of fire make the Scythe a deadly threat to New Alliance aircraft. ########################Trich Patriot Tech Level 1 \nSentry Rate of Fire: \n 2 mps \nTargeting Capacity: \n Two incoming projectiles \n\nThe Sentry is the first Trich anti-BMS facility encountered by New Alliance Forces. It provides minimal defense against our BMS attacks. Tech Level 2 \nSentinel Rate of Fire: \n 3 mps \nTargeting Capacity: \n Three incoming projectiles \n\nThe Trich have upgraded on the tracking system utilized in the Sentry. This new system allows the Sentinel to intercept up to three incoming BMS projectiles. Tech Level 3 \nWarrior Rate of Fire: \n 4 mps \nTargeting Capacity: \n Four incoming projectiles \n\nThe Warrior can intercept up to 33% of an incoming BMS attack. Wraith Commanders are urged to destroy any anti-BMS facilities before launching a BMS attack. Tech Level 4 \nPaladin Rate of Fire: \n 6 mps \nTargeting Capacity: \n Six incoming projectiles \n\nThe Paladin watches over Trich Citadels. Two of these turrets can provide total defense against incoming BMS attacks. ########################Native Soldier Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Conscripts Primary Weapon: \n Imperium Laser Rifle \nDemolitions: \n 4 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n 6 mil Kevlon Composite \n\nLike many planets located far from the center of the New Alliance, Cormerr maintains a small military, composed primarily of poorly armed and trained troops. The core of their infantry are the Conscripts, men drafted into the service, often unwillingly, and given surplus equipment from wars past. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Militia Primary Weapon: \n Imperium Laser Rifle \nDemolitions: \n 6 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n 8 mil Kevlon Composite \n\nOnce a Conscript has proven himself by not deserting in the heat of battle, he is promoted to the Cormerran Militia. With higher morale, and a little more training, these troops still fall far short of New Alliance standards. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Drok Trooper Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster I \nDemolitions: \n 8 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Light Battlesuit \n\nThe Androkulans (or Drok for short), are a race of brutish creatures whose primary goals in life seem to be serving their masters, the Kri'iSara, and inflicting pain and suffering on others. They definitely prefer the latter. Drok Troopers are equipped with brutal hand blasters and battlesuits providing much more protection than those of the Cormerran Union Conscripts. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Drok Brute Squad Primary Weapon: \n Kri'iSaran Laser Blaster II \nDemolitions: \n 10 Kg HE satchel charge \nArmor: \n Medium Battlesuit \n\nThe elite of the Drok military machine, the Brute Squads are deployed on only the most intense battlefields, where their experience and craving for bloodshed drive them into a frenzy reminiscent of the Viking Berserkers of ancient Terra. New Alliance commanders are advised to use heavy firepower when encountering these troops. ########################Native AI Tank Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Tiger Primary Weapon: \n 60 Kc Laser Cannon \nArmor: \n 40 mil Kevlon Plate \nSpeed: \n 40 kph \n\nThe Cormerran Tiger is their basic main battle tank. It's 60 Kc Laser Cannon is deadly to infantry, but presents little threat to Alliance armored vehicles. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Panther Primary Weapon: \n 75 Kc Laser Cannon \nArmor: \n 60 mil Kevlon Composite \nSpeed: \n 60 kph \n\nThe Cormerran Panther improves on every facet of the previous model, although it still falls far short of contemporary New Alliance tanks. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Killer Primary Weapon: \n 90 Kc Laser Cannon \nArmor: \n 25 mil Borantium Shielding Speed: \n 80 kph \n\nTypical for the Androkulan mentality, the Drok Killer is named after its purpose, to bring death and destruction to the enemies of the Trich. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Reaver Primary Weapon: \n 110 Kc Laser Cannon \nArmor: \n 50 mil Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 95 kph \n\nIn spite of several design shortcomings, the Reaver is still a threat on the battlefield, and must be treated accordingly. ########################Native AAV Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Hunter Primary Weapon: \n AAM System \nArmor: \n 20mil Kevlon Composite \n Plate \nSpeed: \n 130 kph \n\nThe Hunter is an outdated model based on Imperium designs. Utilizing older, and heavier, Kevlon plating and an AAM system with limited tracking ability, the Hunter is no match for New Alliance AAV's. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Hunter II Primary Weapon: \n AAM System \nArmor: \n 30mm Kevlon Composite \n Plate \nSpeed: \n 160 kph \n\nThe Hunter II brings the Cormerran Union's AAV into a league with the New Alliance's Dart class. The AAM system packs a greater punch, and the 30 mil Kevlon armor, while quite heavy, provides ample protection from missile and laser attacks. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Gunship Primary Weapon: \n 40 Kc Laser System \nArmor: \n 20mm Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 175 kph \n\nThe Drok Gunship utilizes a rapid-firing laser system to hunt down and destroy its targets. Like the pilots that guide them, the controls are simple and easily manipulated. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Warship Primary Weapon: \n 60 Kc Laser System \nArmor: \n 30mm Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 190 kph \n\nThe Drok Warship has been nicknamed the "Angel of Death" by New Alliance infantry. The rapid firing 60 Kc Laser Cannon can cut through Kevlon Composite and Ferrolar armor with frightening ease. ########################Native Bomber Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Avenger Primary Weapon: \n 1.5 ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 30 tons \nArmor: \n 30mm Kevlon Composite \n Plate \nSpeed: \n 80 kph \n\nThe Avenger is slow, clunky and vulnerable to incoming fire. In spite of this, it carries a large payload capable of delivering heavy damage to surface targets. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Retributor Primary Weapon: \n 1.5 ton HE Bomb \nPayload: \n 45 tons \nArmor: \n 40mm Kevlon Composite \n Plate \nSpeed: \n 100 kph \n\nLarger turbines and a bomb bay with increased capacity are a vast improvement over the original Cormerran bomber design. The Retributor is a threat that New Alliance commanders should deal with quickly. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Armageddon Primary Weapon: \n 1.5 MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 40 tons \nArmor: \n 40mm Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 110 kph \n\nThe Androkulan Armageddon bomber is far superior to the bombers used by the Cormerran Union. 40 Tons of HEAP payload encased within the alien's borantium shielding make the Armageddon a threat to New Alliance Command Bunkers throughout this theater of operations. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Omega Primary Weapon: \n 2 ton MagnaBlast Charge \nPayload: \n 45 tons \nArmor: \n 50mm Borantium Shielding \nSpeed: \n 120 kph \n\nThe Omega Class Bomber is the heaviest hitting weapon in the Androkulan arsenal. It emphasizes the Drok traits of stubborn tenacity and incredible hitting power with the use of heavier shielding and a large payload. ########################Native Light Turrets Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Sergeant Weapon System: \n Twin-linked Laser Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 40 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 3 bps \nArmor: \n 25 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nAs with many Cormerran forces, their Defense Turrets are old surplus models, outdated and ill suited for the battlefields of the Alliance-Trich Wars. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Knight Weapon System: \n Twin-linked Laser Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 40 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 4 bps \nArmor: \n 30 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nAn enlarged cooling system allows the Knight to fire 33% faster. Although the Kevlon Plate has been increased, the turret is still vulnerable to incoming fire. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Wyrm Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 60 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 4 bps \nArmor: \n 40 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Androkulan defenses are much more advanced than those found in Cormerran units. Wraith Commanders are advised to treat the Wyrm and other Drok defenses with caution. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Dragon Weapon System: \n Laser Pulse Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 70 Kc \nRate of Fire: \n 5 bps \nArmor: \n 50 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Dragon improves on the Wyrm in every way. Higher energy output from the Pulse Cannon, an increase rate of fire, and heavier shielding make the Dragon a very imposing threat indeed. ########################Native Heavy Turrets Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Mammoth Weapon System: \n MagnaCannon \nEnergy Output: \n 100 Kc \nArmor: \n 100 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nThe Cormerran Union makes use of Heavy Defense Turrets. Slow firing, they can still blast the armor off a Wraith in just a few shots. Their heavy armor gives them surprising longevity on the battlefield. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Colossus Weapon System: \n MagnaCannon \nEnergy Output: \n 110 Kc \nArmor: \n 110 mil Kevlon Plate \n\nRealizing that the Heavy Turret is critical to their defensive strategies, the Cormerran Union has further developed the MagnaCannon, allowing for 10% greater output. The turret itself has additional Kevlon Plate, increasing its already notable capacity for survival. Tech Level 1 \nAndrokulan Ogre Weapon System: \n Overlord Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 120 Kc \nArmor: \n 90 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nThe Androkulans use the Ogre to defend critical points in their battle lines. Mobility is the best defense against these heavy turrets, as they can strip the armor off a Wraith in two or three hits. Tech Level 2 \nAndrokulan Cyclops Weapon System: \n Overlord Cannon \nEnergy Output: \n 135 Kc \nArmor: \n 100 mil Borantium Shielding \n\nStandard Wraith Lasers and Jaeger Missiles are all but useless against the mighty Cyclops. The 135 Kc Overlord Cannon is to be avoided. If it becomes necessary to eliminate a Cyclops, Wraith Commanders are advised to use mobility to avoid the Cyclops's attacks, while using the most powerful weapons available to destroy the turret. ########################Native SAM Site Tech Level 1 \nCormerran Apostle Payload: \n 1.2 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 2 missile bursts \n\nThe Apostle is the Cormerran Unions basic anti-AAV and bomber defense. Slower than the New Alliance SAM turret, this weapon is still a threat to lightly armored and slow bombers. Tech Level 2 \nCormerran Disciple Payload: \n 1.6 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 2 missile bursts \n\nThe Disciple sports a larger payload and quicker rate of fire than its predecessor, the Apostle. Tech Level 3 \nAndrokulan Serpent Payload: \n 1.8 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 3 missile bursts \n\nThe Serpent is capable of rapid fire, blanketing the skies with its deadly payload. Tech Level 4 \nAndrokulan Hydra Payload: \n 2.2 kg HE(per missile) \nRate of Fire: \n 3 missile bursts \n\nAlthough Androkulan technology is usually behind that of their masters, the Trich, the Hydra is an impressive weapon system, dealing death to incoming aircraft with an impressive volume of fire. ########################Native Convoy Native Convoy 1 Duh Native Convoy 2 Duh Native Convoy 3 Duh Native Convoy 4 Duh Native Convoy 5 Duh ########################Alliance Patriot Site Tech and Description Tech Level 1 \nFortifier Tracking System: \n Vulture Avionics PTS-2 \nTargeting Capacity: \n 2 incoming projectiles \n\nThe Tech Level 1 Patriot Site can track and intercept up to two incoming BMS projectiles. Tech Level 2 \nChampion Tracking System: \n Vulture Avionics PTS-3 \nTargeting Capacity: \n 3 incoming projectiles \n\nVulture Avionics, the defense contractor for the Patriot system, has produced quicker tracking systems. The Tech Level 2 Patriot Site can intercept up to three incoming BMS missiles. Tech Level 3 \nGuardian Tracking System: \n Vulture Avionics PTS-4 \nTargeting Capacity: \n 4 incoming projectiles \n\nThe PTS-4 is able to destroy 33% of a BMS salvo before it has a chance to impact its target. Construction of at least one Patriot Site is recommended if Trich BMS facilities are encountered. Tech Level 4 \nDefender Tracking System: \n Vulture Avionics PTS-6 \nTargeting Capacity: \n 6 incoming projectiles \n\nThe Defender utilizes the new PTS-6, the very latest in tracking systems. The PTS-6 is capable of identifying and targeting up to nine incoming BMS projectiles. As a result, a Citadel protected by a single Defender can intercept up to 50% of an incoming BMS attack's payload.